
Luminoscope for determining the quality of dairy and food products (milk, butter, meat, etc.), determination of vegetable additives in butter. The package includes methods for researching products.

Main technical characteristics

Operating wavelength, nm 364
UV irradiance of the controlled surface, mW/cm2 5
Power consumption, W 350
Overall dimensions, mm 190x250x290
Device weight, kg 3.7
Illumination in the room Any


Developed methods

Oils and fats: checking the purity of vegetable oils, detecting falsification of butter with margarine and fats;
Meat: determination of the freshness of beef, detection of falsification of minced meat by offal;
Fish: determination of the quality of fresh and salted fish;
Milk and dairy products: assessment of the quality of milk and cottage cheese;
Potatoes and vegetables: detection of potatoes affected by late blight, detection of frozen vegetables, assessment of fruit freshness;
Juices and wines:
 detection of falsification of red grape wines by fruit and berry ones;
Flour and grain: quality assessment and determination of the type of flour and grain