Greenhouse climate control system developed based on OWEN equipment
The system includes 16 transoms that provide ventilation and control of microclimate parameters inside the greenhouse: air quality, CO2 level, temperature, and humidity. Additionally, the heat point control area was created. Centrifugal pumps are controlled and 8 heating circuits are regulated. Hot water is supplied from an external boiler room.
The control system is based on the OWEN PLC110-30 [M02] programmable controller, the AS3-M interface converter, and MV110-8R discrete output modules. CO2 is controlled with OWEN PKG100-CO2 gas sensors, whereas temperature and humidity are measured with OWEN PVT100 transducers.
Setting a microclimate allows for maintaining a certain temperature level and a gradient of temperature increase in 4 time periods of the day (24 hours is divided by three setpoints). After a given time, the temperature starts to change from one value to another at a given speed, thus ensuring the smooth operation of the entire greenhouse. This creates a comfortable environment for plant growth. MasterSCADA graphics with adjustable setting options provide a detailed analysis of the system state with a possibility to view the history of changes.
Developer – Fast Projects Company, Moscow.