FESTO is a manufacturer of industrial equipment and automation systems
The company Festo was founded by entrepreneurs Albert Fezer and Gottlieb Stoll back in 1925. Initially, FESTO was producing wood processing equipment. With the Company’s goals and objectives becoming more complex over time, its products also became more advanced to keep pace with growing demands of the steadily growing industry. At that point, the Company also has chosen its main technological focus – the development and sale of compressed air equipment.
Pneumatic actuator

Pneumatic distributors


Compressed air preparation

Pneumatic fittings system

Since then and to the present day, FESTO has focused on the production of industrial equipment and automation systems, as well as pneumatic components for the motor vehicle, food, and other industries. FESTO is represented in the global market by 61 companies and 250 branches. Its priority is the integration of its equipment in the production processes of packaging materials, biotechnological and pharmaceutical components, as well as the use of branded pneumatic tools in the industries that extensively employ continuous operation technologies. From the very beginning, FESTO set itself the task of not only manufacturing excellent products but also integrating them into systems and automation complexes of any production line. Thanks to this policy, FESTO managed in a short term to optimize the manufacturing of advanced instruments and equipment that meet the clients’ needs and to expand their application scope. Pneumatic actuators, compressed air preparation systems and distributors, shutoff valves, and pressurized utility lines control devices – all this has become FESTO’s exclusive prerogative. Today, FESTO is a leading supplier of pneumatic automation technologies and the leader in industrial training and educational programs around the world. To further improve its products and bring the technology to a fundamentally new level, the company joined the global bionic training network. Its goal is to align production tasks industry workers face with the laws of nature, which has already perfected many processes in the course of evolution. The main point is that nature carries out these processes in an independent, simple, and efficient way. FESTO works with well-known universities, institutes, developers, as well as individual researchers. At the moment, FESTO aims to achieve maximum productivity, maintain high competitiveness, and satisfy the needs of its clients.